Mind The Gap: How Recruiting and Employer Brand Can Fix Each Other

A quick review of ERE reveals that there are “employer branding” articles and there are “recruiting” articles. Occasionally, a recruiting article might mention employer branding as a thing one could do — but always in an aloof manner. Likewise, employer brand articles seem to treat working with recruiting as the equivalent of eating one’s vegetables, something done because you have to.

I see a gap between these two functions that not only shouldn’t exist, but is keeping your company from maximizing its investment in both.

As an employer brander, myself, I can see how the gap happens. We’re often so busy trying to get leadership and marketing and comms (and pretty much everyone else) to see us as strategic partners. We try to get them to understand that the stories we tell about the people who work here, and about why they work here, can support consumer marketing, investor relations, internal comms, PR, and any number of internal and external initiatives. And in doing all of this, we sometimes forget to look at our first customers: recruiters.

Read the entire article on ERE