Protecting your employer brand during a crisis

Quoted by Recruitment Marketing Magazine:

As Universum’s Director of Employer Branding James Ellis states, “We’re seeing companies praised for pledging to not lay anyone off, for leaders taking deep pay cuts, for companies giving away its own resources to support a common good. (We’re also seeing companies being called out for lip-service-level of commitment to helping others). If a company demanded that its workers to go back to the office in Wall Street the afternoon of 9/11, it wouldn’t be a company anymore. No one would work there and no one would want to be a client. 

“We are absolutely, in fits and starts and occasional pandemic-driven lurches, moving to a place where the employer brand isn’t a junior partner in the marketing and branding conversation. This means [Employer Branding] has GOT to step up its game. In a lot of ways, we’ve existed in a recruiting/TA ghetto, where mediocre work (no strategy, follow-the-leader-thinking, no experimentation or innovation, etc) was acceptable. If the business is looking to us to help navigate the crisis and thrive beyond it, we all have to set the bar higher and be better.”