The 16 Core Competencies of a Successful Employer Brand Professional
Spoiler: You'll Wear A Lot Of Hats
What does it take to be a great employer brand professional?
As a rapidly growing and evolving role within companies, the concept of employer branding is often poorly scoped or defined before being tasked to someone like you, left holding the bag of high expectations and low resourcing to figure it out for yourself. So the Talent Brand Alliance reached out to its membership and came up with the 16 core competencies necessary to really understand in order to be successful in your job.
That said, no one is an expert in all these things. But all successful employer brand professionals will likely touch all these things in the course of their work. The goal of the list is to help you to see the job from a 30,000-foot perspective, but also identify your strengths and weaknesses, giving you a chance to plan accordingly and still make a deep impact on the business.