The 8 (Data-driven) Secrets of Great University Recruiting in the U.S.
Recruiters will tell you that theirs is a tough job: lots of plates to spin, low resources, timeline crunches, and a lack of appreciation for a job well done. And they are mostly right.
But there is one job that faces the same challenges as a recruiter, but with fewer resources, more travel, and the flightiest clientele in the game: University and campus recruiters.
In a way, university recruiters are the recruiter’s recruiter: doing more with less while traveling from school to school and meeting an unending stream of 21-year-olds who have functionally the same skills, experiences, and abilities. The fact that your company is able to recruit anyone of talent from a university is almost a magic trick.
So as a way of tipping our hat to these elite recruiters, I dipped into Universum’s massive stockpile of student data covering 53,000 students at more than 200 universities to come up with eight secrets of great university recruiters. (For this article, I only pulled data from our U.S. student survey, but you can see the results.)