Your Social Media ROI for Talent Acquisition

This two-part blog post defines the two different types of social media models talent acquisition can use, and the the KPIs that can be associated with each.

“This might hurt: Facebook is more than 10 years old. Launched originally as, it has been around since February 2004. Twitter is eight years old. LinkedIn is celebrating its 11th birthday this month. Brand “new” social darling WhatsApp will have turned five by the time you read this.Clearly, social media isn’t new. Everyone is using it on every device in every place with every industry. It’s not tomorrow, it is very much now. There is nothing left to wait for. So let’s get serious about how social media supports your talent acquisition efforts.”

Read part one of this article at

“People have lamented that there are few valuable key performance indicators when it comes to social media. Despite having been in existence for more than a decade, many social media platforms seem to spend more time trying to convince you that they are giving you useful data than actually giving you valuable KPIs.Part of the reason is that each social media platform works differently, and even how people use a single platform can vary greatly between you and other organizations. This is a new phenomenon. There’s really only one or two ways to use banner ads, so we’ve all learned how to measure and value ads.”

Read part two of this article on

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